Middle School Courses

Business Keyboarding

The purpose of this course is to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals and to provide information regarding careers in the Business Management […]

Business Leadership Skills

The purpose of this course is to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals and to provide information regarding careers in the Business Management […]

Introduction to Business, Management and Administration

The purpose of this course is to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals and to provide information regarding careers in the Business Management […]

M/J Computer Science Discoveries
Computer Science

Computer Science Discoveries 1 will take students on a journey into one of the fastest-growing and most exciting fields of the century. The course explores how computer science exists all […]

M/J Foundational Skills in Mathematics 6-8

This course supports students who need additional instruction in foundational mathematics skills as it relates to core instruction. Instruction will use explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to mathematics instruction addressing […]

M/J Language Arts 3 (ADV)
Language Arts

The purpose of this course is to give you the tools to understand and express who you are and where you want to go. By the end of the course, […]

M/J Accelerated Mathematics Grade 6

In grade 6 accelerated, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) performing all four operations with rational numbers with procedural fluency; (2) exploring and applying concepts of ratios, rates, percentages […]

M/J Accelerated Mathematics Grade 7

In grade 7 accelerated, instructional time will emphasize six areas: (1) representing numbers in scientific notation and extending the set of numbers to the system of real numbers, which includes […]

M/J Spanish Intermediate
Language Arts

You will learn how to speak Spanish in many practical and useful situations that will apply to your everyday environment.

M/J Spanish Beginning
Language Arts

You will acquire the skills to read, write and speak in Spanish.

M/J World History (ADV)

Somebody discovered the wheel. Somebody discovered written communication.

M/J United States History (ADV)

You will investigate history by using the tools of a historian to examine the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events.

M/J Civics (ADV)

Learning about civics gives students the skills and knowledge necessary to be active citizens who have a positive impact on their communities.

M/J Comprehensive Science 1 (ADV)

This course provides an introduction to Science, Energy, Force, Weather, Climate, The Earth’s Systems, and the Living World.

M/J Comprehensive Science 2 (ADV)

In this course students explore: The Foundations of Science, Energy, The Earth and it’s features.

M/J Comprehensive Science 3 (ADV)

Topics covered in this course include: The Nature of Science, Earth and Space Science, Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter, Matter and Energy, and Energy flow in the living world.

M/J Grade 6 Mathematics (ADV)

This course is designed to engage you at every turn.

M/J Grade 7 Mathematics (ADV)

This course gives plenty of opportunity to create, investigate, and demonstrate mathematical knowledge at both the intermediate and advanced levels.

M/J Grade 8 Pre-Algebra

The instruction in this course will focus on three critical areas: (1) analyzing two- and threedimensional space; (2) grasping the concept of a function ; (3) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations.

M/J Language Arts 1 (ADV)
Language Arts

In this course, you’ll read short stories and novels, listen to music, read newspapers, and even interview your parents.

M/J Language Arts 2 (ADV)
Language Arts

In this course, you will read and listen to other people’s words. You will analyze what they are saying and how they are saying it.

M/J Intensive Reading 1
Language Arts

The purpose of this course is to provide instruction that enables students to accelerate the development of reading and writing skills and to strengthen those skills so they are able to successfully read and write middle grade level text independently.

M/J Fitness – Grade 6
Physical Education

This fitness course is designed for 6th grade students and intended to be 18 weeks in length.

M/J Exploring Two-Dimensional Art

Students investigate a wide range of media and techniques, from both an historical and contemporary perspective, as they engage in the art-making processes of creating two-dimensional works, which may include drawing, painting, printmaking, and/or collage.

M/J Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Learning

This course teaches students how to find important information quickly, transfer it from short- to long-term memory, and perform better on assignments and tests.

M/J Creative Photography 1

In this course, students learn and apply fundamental skills to use a camera and take photographs of animals, people, and landscapes.

M/J Comprehensive PE – Grades 6/7
Physical Education

This course is designed for 6th and 7th grade students and intended to be 18 weeks in length.

M/J Comprehensive PE – Grades 7/8
Physical Education

This course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students and is intended to be 18 weeks in length.

M/J Career Research and Decision Making

This course gives students the opportunity to explore their interests and align them to career opportunities.